According to the New Jersey State Department of Health and Senior Services, the Garden State is ready to combat the H1-N1 Influenza or Swine Flu this Fall.
As of today, there are 934 confirmed cases of Swine Flu and 15 deaths. The state continues to keep a close eye on things while a vaccine is being developed. State officials believe there is a good chance the number of H1-N1 cases will increase after the summer.
Dr. Susan Walsh says conditions that weaken the immune system such as asthma, emphysema or cancer are just a small sample of underlying health conditions that could worsen the Swine Flu. What about the strain mutating once the colder months arrive?
So there's been 934 confirmed cases since April of this year. But haven't most of them healed? Walsh says yes - within 7 to 10 days of getting the symptoms, most of them were fully free of the novel influenza and if the virus doesn't mutate, people can't get it more than once.
Health officials continue to enforce good hygiene and hand washing as the best prevention we have. They expect the vaccine to be ready sometime in late October, early November.
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