Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thousands of Ocean County Cancer Patients Must Now Scramble to Find New Doctors

By: Rosetta Key

Nearly 3,000 shore-area cancer patients have to find new doctors after the state decides to suspend a Toms River Oncologist's medical license indefinitely. State Consumer Affairs spokesman Jeff Lamm says Doctor Parvez Dara is required to provide his patients with their medical records. "We want them to have continuity in care so that if they need to go to another physician they do have the ability to get their medical records and to have those records transferred to the physician they select."

The State Board of Medical Examiners office affirmed a decision by its subcommittee last Friday to temporarily suspend Dr. Dara's license. Lam says "the suspension can not be lifted until the board takes a specific action to do that." He says the move was prompted when five of his patients were diagnosed with the blood-bourne Hepatitis-B virus. In response, the board sent its field investigators to visit Dr. Dara's offices and discovered a host of conditions they describe as unsanitary.

Lamm says patients having trouble getting their medical records from Dara's offices can report it to the Medical Examiners at (609) 826-7100.

The Ocean County Health Department is also providing patients with information at (800) 342-9738. Area hospitals are assisting with patient referrals.

The 24-hour physician referral number provided by the Saint Barnabas Health Care System that operates Community Medical Center in Toms River and Kimball Medical Center in Lakewood is 1-888-SBHS-123 or 1-888-724-7123.

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